Tuesday, May 13, 2014

This might be a fine time to continue kvetching about my health.

In this post: Kvetch report, trolls, mysteries, big pizzas.

Since I really don’t have anything specific lined up for today’s Howdygram post I’m thinking this might be a fine time to bring back a favorite, time-tested topic: KVETCHING ABOUT MY HEALTH. For instance, my complaints du jour include: 1) severe muscle pain/fatigue in my shins, calves, thighs and lower back; 2) my body temperature is 95.4°; 3) a hangnail; and 4) I can’t think of anything else. To tell you the truth, items 1 and 2 make me want to lie down in the family room wrapped in Mr. Furry (my very fluffy faux mink blanket) and watch Margaret Rutherford movies in the dark until Sam gets home from work because it hurts too damn much to stand up or walk. Plus my digestion isn’t so good right now.
Mazel tov to me ... the Howdygram is having a record number of visitors today! Apparently a few rabid fans have been tweeting links to my posts about local Texas firearms lunatic Kory Watkins (click here and here) so everybody’s been dropping in to read the articles. One or two trolls (most likely Kory’s relatives) sent snotty comments — i.e., I’m delusional, I’m not a real American and I should move back to California — but I don’t give a crap about those. One commenter, however, inferred that it’s too bad I don’t appreciate living in a country that allows its citizens to defend themselves, and THIS is the pro-gun argument that pisses me off the most.

Pay attention, all you right-wing trolls: THE SECOND AMENDMENT PROTECTS THE RIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES TO FORM AN ARMED MILITIA and defend itself as a nation ... NOT the right of a jerk like Kory Watkins to shop at Albertson’s and scare the living crap out of everybody with an ASSAULT RIFLE in his hand. And as far as I can tell he has no legal right to wear that stupid fedora, either.
And now I think I’ll haul myself into the family room for a while and finish watching The I Don’t Care Girl (1953) starring Mitzi Gaynor and David Wayne. The movie itself isn’t really great but Mitzi Gaynor is, and she’s fun to watch in almost anything. Also David Wayne.
Hey. Sam just got home with a GREAT BIG BOX OF COLD PIZZA so it’s time to shift my attention to what’s really important around here. Thank you for reading this.